Guess who starts Preschool tomorrow?!
Ahhh! I'm so excited yet so scared yet so happy yet so nervous.......
One of the churches in our town has a preschool that is always filled up. Well, thanks to my neighbor (Hi Karen!) we appear to be pretty famous around these parts. "Oh, aren't you Karen's neighbor? We know you from your blog." :)
So, I talked to the preschool director today (who I met at the library's halloween party, who knew me from Karen.......). She said that she would LOVE to have Lili in their school and asked if we could come tomorrow! Yay!
I just hope that everybody's still just as excited about it tomorrow at this time.
I know Lili won't be a behavior problem. She won't be loud or obnoxious. She won't be a brat. (OK, I know, I know: "My child will not be this or that") But, really, her biggest problem will be her NOT talking or communicating and NOT interacting with the other kids.
She has come a LONG way socially, but I'm usually there with her, which I will NOT be doing at preschool. (My empty house from 8:30-11:00am is beckoning to me and believe me, I'm going to answer that call!)
I think that the best thing for everyone is for me to just let her go.
They have PE first thing tomorrow morning. I think I'll go with her and stay for that 1/2 hour and then when they transition back to class, leave then........we'll see how it goes!
Please pray that tomorrow goes well for everyone involved.
Lili needs to do this. Hopefully it'll be a good experience to get her ready for kindergarten next year. Hopefully it'll be a good experience to get me ready for kindergarten next year!!!
Oh, and THANKS KAREN!! :) :) :)