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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 14: MORE Shopping!!

I can't believe summer vacation is 2 weeks old already! It really has flown by. We're just so busy (usually doing nothing) all the time. Not enough hours in the day.
Tuesday the kids and I headed out shopping. Again. We had some stuff to return, some other stuff to pick up. After Jeff got home, he and I headed out shopping. Again. Kidless, this time.
To be fair, we are getting some things together for an upcoming vacation.

This will be the first time for the kids. Jeff was there over 30 years ago, I was there 24 years ago. We're going with my parents, too. Built-in babysitters for the nights!! (just kidding. no I'm not!!) We wanted to go while Lili's still enchanted with the princesses and while Brett's young enough to appreciate everything magical, yet while they're both old enough to remember it. Who am I kidding? Who doesn't love Disney World? Jeff and I are just as excited as the kids.
We have an itinerary all mapped out, a couple of 'unofficial behind the scenes' books, and SIX matching T-shirts. Yes, we'll be those people.
Can't wait :)


At 10:23 AM , Blogger Musings from Kim K. said...

I'm so happy for you!! We've been to DisneyWorld 3 times in the last 2 years. Any chance you're hitting up Harry Potter World too? How awesome that your parents are coming too. This is going to be a trip of a lifetime. Enjoy every minute.

PS. Be prepared to be very very hot.


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