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Friday, July 31, 2009

Name That Tune (an actual post--with VIDEO--about Lili---imagine that!)

Ah, yes, my little Lili is so narcissistic, she thinks that any song with an "illy" in it MUST be about her!

To be fair, I first started singing this as "Little Lili" when we were in the adoption process, waiting and waiting: "Little Lili, Lili won't go home"! (but the interpretive dance is all her)

And if you happen to think this performance was once in a lifetime, oh my, you couldn't be more wrong :) She does it by request, on command, heck, even if you never think you want to hear it again!

She's a lot of fun :)

Monday, July 27, 2009

Sweet 16 and Never Been......Divorced?

Jeff and I celebrated our 16th anniversary Friday.
Unbelievable. I can't believe it's been SO long. When I think I was just 22 when we got married.....eek.
We had a nice weekend. We got rid of the kids (oops, did I say "got rid of the kids"? I meant we very graciously allowed grandma to take them) for the weekend.
Jeff and I were able to eat out a couple times without saying or hearing things like "Don't talk with your mouth full", "Don't chew with your mouth open" and "Stop kicking/touching him/her".
Absolute heaven.
We (and you know when I say 'we' I mean 'Jeff') finished the wood floor in the kitchen and cleared out some of the garage.
Fun times, I know.
Remember last year, we went and got Jeff's car fixed for our anniversary, so this was a step up. I think.

We've got another busy but doing nothing week ahead. We spend a lot of time just getting used to our house, I guess.
Another thing I spend a lot of time doing is grocery shopping. When we lived in our last house, I'd go shopping once a week. Make a big list. Get everything I needed. Now I seem to always be out of something and I'm running to one store or the next picking up one or two things. It does make it a lot easier on the old memory, but it's a full time job :)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Our Sports/Memorabilia/Entertainment Room is Coming Along...

Jeff and I have always wanted one of these signs at the bottom of the stairs.
Bonus! that it has Lou Holtz's autograph!
I stayed up till 1:00am last night trying to frame this stupid thing, on Jeff's birthday, by the way, (should've just had him sign a football--lots easier to display) but, for now, the jersey's hanging nicely.
Still CANNOT believe I have it :)

Woo Hoo!!

My mini helmet I've had since 1995, finally signed by a Cowboy: Jay Novacek.
Just a couple more things about this past weekend and I'll SHUT UP about it:
Remember me talking about the "mega fans"? Well, on the front page of the local paper was a picture of a family of Cowboys fans. They had a 10 year old son named Troy , I kid you not. See! I told you I wasn't the worst!
Last Friday all, or most, of the enshrinees were in town playing in a golf scramble. The news showed them all, but no Troy. Jeff told me that Troy must be "too big and important" to fly in early and he'd "probably be the last one there Saturday, escorted through an underground tunnel". Turns out Troy spent the day Friday visiting kids at local hospitals. (awwww....) I guess that all the parents and staff knew who he was, but the kids didn't (although you KNOW my kids would!), so he told them "I know Tony Romo", then they were excited! :)
OK, hope you enjoyed sharing in my descent into madness.
I'll be back to regular posting soon.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

More thoughts on Enshrinement Weekend

Yes, this is THE picture I've been waiting 20 years for.
My picture with Troy Aikman. sigh.......
The guy behind me in line offered to use my camera to take the picture. He must've accidentally hit the timer because he was holding the button down and nothing happened until I grabbed it back to look at it and it went off.
I could've died. Not only was it hideously awkward to stand there smiling like a fool while hundreds of other people waited, but it was just terrible to realize my chance slipped away. I apologized to Troy for taking up his time and slunk off.
For the record, the camera-messer-upper-guy felt TERRIBLE. He kept apologizing. What could I say? (certainly not what I was thinking) :)
I'll live. It's not the worst thing that's ever happened to me.

Speaking of guys in line...
The guy in front of me was probably about 40. He had 2 sons and he turned to me and said that he was so nervous. Hands were sweaty, tongue was tied. He said he had to try to remember that these were people just like him.
The guy behind me, Mr. Professional Photograper, was 30 something and he later asked me why he was so nervous. His hands were sweaty and his heart was pounding.
I thought it was just hilarious.
And what I thought was totally weird was that I didn't feel the same way at all. Generally, I'm pretty high strung when it comes to things like that. Whenever I go to the doctor, my blood pressure is through the roof. New situations always put me in a tizzy and here I was about to meet TROY AIKMAN after years and years of waiting and my hands were still and dry and I was calm and cool. Even when I asked Troy if I could get a picture with him I asked him like I was talking to Joe Blow. I couldn't believe it. I was just completely unfazed. Huh. Still don't get it.

I know some of you are thinking I'm a crazed, obsessed fan.
I very well may be, but I'm here to tell you I'm not the only one.
Not only was I the only one out of dozens I spoke with who traveled less than 500 miles, I was the only one not decked out in full Cowboys/Aikman regalia. (yep, I'd say at least 75% of the people there were there for Aikman)
There was a woman in front of me decked out in all Oklahoma University. Her hat, shirt, socks, bag, earrings, cell phone holder and eyeglass holder, all OU. She has an OU display case in her formal living room (she showed us all pictures), she's written all the former players and coaches and asked them for pictures and autographs. She went to Canton for Troy's Pro Hall of Fame induction. AND! She's a middle school principal and head of special ed. in her district. This trip was her b-day gift from her husband, whom, by the way, she did not bring with her.
So, yeah, while you may think you need to grab the straight jacket for me, you might want to stock up on a few more.

Speaking of chicks who have terrifically understanding husbands...
Jeff has said that this was his anniversary present for me. He took care of the kids while I went on my merry pursuit of another man :)
I did have to tell him that not only did I think Troy wasn't as great in person, but that I was kind of underwhelmed by the whole thing. He asked me if Troy and I 'broke up'. He then proceeded to defend Troy: "he must've been tired", "it must be exhausting and stressful for him". He defended him so well as a matter of fact, that I had to tell him I felt much better and that Troy and I were 'back on'.
Seriously though, Jeff understands this whole 'Troy Aikman thing'.
Love me, love Troy Aikman. Well, at least love the Cowboys.

Of course I got autographs of all the other inductees, 22 in all. It was just an amazing thing to be able to see and meet all these people and come away with pictures and autographs and memorabilia. Just a fantastic experience. An experience of a lifetime for me.

I am soooo ready for football season (especially considering this weather, what is up?)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Happy Troy Aikman Day!

If you look below, you'll see my pictures from the College Football Hall of Fame Enshrinement Festival, aka: Troy Aikman Day.
It was a day filled with fun and lots and lots of photo ops.

This morning, I got to the Hall of Fame at 7:20am to get in line for autograph tickets. I was about 150 people back. Some people slept there. Considering it rained all night and was about 50 degrees, more power to them. I would get my 9 hours of sleep and take my chances. I made it and got my ticket.
The parade was at 10:00am. Wonderful parade and beautiful weather. The skies cleared and it was sunny and cool.
After the parade, actually before it ended (right after Troy), I ran back to the hall to get in line for the autograph session. Again, about 150 people back. All's well that ends well, I was able to get in and get all my autographs.

I had Troy sign a jersey, Jay Novacek signed a Cowboys helmet and Lou Holtz signed my "Play Like a Champion Today" sign. All the other guys signed my Enshrinement program. (None of which will I be selling. I couldn't believe the people there with their boxes, bags and crates of things for these guys to sign just so they could sell them. Never in a million years would I part with anything from today....just beyond me.)
After the autograph session was the pep rally, then the kids' football clinic.
I am exhausted. Standing around waiting all day really gets to you after awhile.
I am so very glad I got to experience it all.
It was a wonderful, wonderful time!

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Not a lot noteworthy or pictureworthy going on.
Just trying to get settled in and adjusted. still.
Jeff has been working very, very hard at getting our wood floor installed.
The living room and hallway are done, all that's left is the kitchen and den. Shouldn't be too much longer.
We now have our furniture in the living room. TV, lights, sectional and table. Our TV stand should be delivered Monday and that'll do it. Nice to have a liveable living room after 4 weeks.

Lots has been going on over the past month, unfortunately, we've missed most of it.
  • My 20 year high school reunion was a few weeks ago. Missed it. But, thanks to Facebook, I've been in touch with lots of classmates and they're filling me in.
  • China Adoption Travel Group reunion the weekend we moved. Missed it. I feel terribly horrible about it, but there was NO WAY we could make it :(
  • Brett's 12th birthday. Wouldn't miss it for the world! I just can't believe he's so old . Thank goodness it's no reflection on me :) We just had the grandparents over for some cake and Brett's special dinner request: hot dogs and mac and cheese. What a gourmand! We need to work on a party for his friends. His b-day is really at the worst time (should've planned that one better). We've always had trouble scheduling something between baseball, festivals and vacations.....we'll figure something out.
  • China Adoption Playgroup every Wednesday, right down the street. Missed it and missed it again. Ugh. Just can't seem to get around to it. Wednesday comes so fast.

Well, I think that's about all we've missed. Other than going to church. We managed to make it once, the first Sunday we were here. Since then it's been we were out of town or just working too hard, Brett's birthday party, etc. We ARE planning on going this Sunday, God willing. They're having a "Picnic with the Pastors" after service for all the new families that have joined in the last few months. We think it's the church that we're going to stay with. We liked it (the ONE time we were there). They have lots of kid/teen activities and groups. Seems like a good fit. Still can't believe we're not at our "old" church anymore. Went there for 10 years. Miss it, miss the people terribly.......

Now on to something I cannot miss. This weekend is the College Football Hall of Fame Induction. AKA: Troy Aikman Day. woo hoo! Hopefully I'll be able to get some good pictures. Brett is signed up for the football clinic/flag football game with the inductees. He's really looking forward to it. So am I!

School starts in a little over a month. Unreal. Especially considering the weather hasn't been very summer-like. It's like May, not July. Is it that way everywhere? It's been beautiful, lots of blue skies and comfortable, but like 10 degrees below normal. Weird. Global warming, my patootie.

That's about it for now. We really have been busy, just not doing a lot of interesting stuff...checking out the libraries, going to the park, shop-shop-shopping :) and eating out a LOT. A lot more than I thought we would. Not complaining. Not at all. It's just that it's so convenient. Seems like we're on vacation. Staycation, I suppose.

OK, gotta run. Lunch time :)

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Super (cute) Kids

For VBS this year, our church did a superhero theme.
As you can tell, our kids really, really got into it.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

"I Feel Connected..."

Okee dokee, this is the final, completed, finished house with my car in the driveway as if I finally belong there :)
Oh yeah, they installed the sod a couple days after we moved in. The first week of the entire year that it DIDN'T rain and was 90-95* every single day. So, there's some yellow spots. Big deal.
Moving the stupid sprinkler every 5 minutes for an hour=yellow spots. We'll live with it.

Her Highness's Room
A few weeks ago, we made it to the closest IKEA to us, with a truck, and we had like an hour there. How heartbreaking. I did happen to pick up the cute little canopy for Lili. And, that was about it :(

Our kitchen, painted green. If you notice that the backsplash isn't looking so hot, not to worry, at some point we'll be installing subway tile.....

One view of our basement which has been a total lifesaver. If our builders hadn't finished our basement family room, I'd probably STILL be at Meemaw and Peepaw's....just kidding mom and dad (who are breathing a HUGE sigh of relief and thanking our builders profusely!)

Our Big Lots sofa....after a couple weeks of sitting on a basement floor, and knowing that Big Lots is 2 minutes away, well, it'll do!
So far so good for the internet. We got the modem in the mail, so we're not sure how to connect again after we turn the computer off.
Geek Squad, we are not.
Hopefully we're online for good. I can't believe how unconnected and uninformed I've felt over the past few weeks. We didn't have satellite for a week either. No phone for that matter, either. It was really, really creepy.
The day Michael Jackson died, for instance. I was driving to Hobby Lobby and I heard a Jackson 5 montage. I thought it was odd and then I heard the DJ say he was dead. Jeff had no idea when I got home.
Just weird. We're not techies by any means, but we really do appreciate all our luxuries.
Promise one of these days, I'll have pictures of the kids doing something .......

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

I really should be banned from Blogger-dom, shouldn't I?

We STILL don't have internet, can you believe it?
I had to take Brett to a camping/canoe trip, so I'm getting my Blogger/email fix on Meemaw's computer.

The house is coming along. We painted the kitchen green. The exact green I wanted, can you beat that? Looks pretty good.
Our wood flooring is in and Jeff is itching to get it installed......I'm doing plenty of itching for him too :)

We've been running errands pretty much every single day. We were in Target and Brett asked me if I could believe we were at Target on a Sunday at 8:00pm, and that we'd be home in 3 minutes.......it's the little things, isn't it? Seriously, though, it's pretty darn cool.

And, that's about that. We've been very busy and I haven't taken a lot of pictures of my adorable children, even though they've been doing adorable things. Maybe I should be banned from Mother-dom while they're at it.

As soon as we get internet (supposedly next week) I'll update more with house pics.
If anyone even cares anymore :)

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