Not a lot noteworthy or pictureworthy going on.
Just trying to get settled in and adjusted. still.
Jeff has been working very, very hard at getting our wood floor installed.
The living room and hallway are done, all that's left is the kitchen and den. Shouldn't be too much longer.
We now have our furniture in the living room. TV, lights, sectional and table. Our TV stand should be delivered Monday and that'll do it. Nice to have a liveable living room after 4 weeks.
Lots has been going on over the past month, unfortunately, we've missed most of it.
- My 20 year high school reunion was a few weeks ago. Missed it. But, thanks to Facebook, I've been in touch with lots of classmates and they're filling me in.
- China Adoption Travel Group reunion the weekend we moved. Missed it. I feel terribly horrible about it, but there was NO WAY we could make it :(
- Brett's 12th birthday. Wouldn't miss it for the world! I just can't believe he's so old . Thank goodness it's no reflection on me :) We just had the grandparents over for some cake and Brett's special dinner request: hot dogs and mac and cheese. What a gourmand! We need to work on a party for his friends. His b-day is really at the worst time (should've planned that one better). We've always had trouble scheduling something between baseball, festivals and vacations.....we'll figure something out.
- China Adoption Playgroup every Wednesday, right down the street. Missed it and missed it again. Ugh. Just can't seem to get around to it. Wednesday comes so fast.
Well, I think that's about all we've missed. Other than going to church. We managed to make it once, the first Sunday we were here. Since then it's been we were out of town or just working too hard, Brett's birthday party, etc. We ARE planning on going this Sunday, God willing. They're having a "Picnic with the Pastors" after service for all the new families that have joined in the last few months. We think it's the church that we're going to stay with. We liked it (the ONE time we were there). They have lots of kid/teen activities and groups. Seems like a good fit. Still can't believe we're not at our "old" church anymore. Went there for 10 years. Miss it, miss the people terribly.......
Now on to something I cannot miss. This weekend is the College Football Hall of Fame Induction. AKA: Troy Aikman Day. woo hoo! Hopefully I'll be able to get some good pictures. Brett is signed up for the football clinic/flag football game with the inductees. He's really looking forward to it. So am I!
School starts in a little over a month. Unreal. Especially considering the weather hasn't been very summer-like. It's like May, not July. Is it that way everywhere? It's been beautiful, lots of blue skies and comfortable, but like 10 degrees below normal. Weird. Global warming, my patootie.
That's about it for now. We really have been busy, just not doing a lot of interesting stuff...checking out the libraries, going to the park, shop-shop-shopping :) and eating out a LOT. A lot more than I thought we would. Not complaining. Not at all. It's just that it's so convenient. Seems like we're on vacation. Staycation, I suppose.
OK, gotta run. Lunch time :)