Last night we went to 6th Grade Orientation at Brett's new 'big city school'.
Middle School.
Junior High.
I can't believe it. I can't believe I have a kid old enough to be in junior high.
(yeah, sure, technically I'm old enough to have a kid in high school, even college, but still)
I just can't believe my son is going to junior high. Jeff and I were sitting there in the meeting last night just shaking our heads, remembering when it was us going into 6th grade.
I remember it like it was yesterday. I still remember it so vividly.
So, kids, when your parents say "I remember how it was. I was where you are right now. I know what you're going through." BELIEVE THEM !
So, Brett's new school seems really, really great. The school system is one of the best in Indiana. A lot of opportunities.
A lot of things have changed in the 26 years since I've been in 6th grade. (yeah, ya think?)
Brett will have the opportunity to be in all sorts of intramural activities (mini golf, bowling, etc.) as well as sports.
Sports that he can letter in. I didn't think they did that till high school......
There are 3 music choices: band, orchestra and choir. That's it. No general music and no other options. You have to take music. That's cool.
(Brett's like "pleeeeease let me play an instrument! I don't want to sing in front of people !"---heh. must realize he has his mother's pipes)
You also have to take a home ec. class: sewing, crocheting, knitting, cooking. (I'm like "pleeeease take sewing, knitting or crocheting so you can show ME how!"---although him being able to cook would be pretty cool too!----unless he makes chocolate pudding pie and forgets to add sugar and it tastes like mud! Trish!! Remember? My one and only foray into home ec.)
Lots of computer-type stuff. The art room is set up like an art studio. Art is another thing that's scheduled in. Not a choice.
They call PE 'wellness' now. The gym was amazing. And they had separate shower stalls! Quite a big deal for Jeff and me as we can remember the communal showers in our old school. Horrifying for the pre-teen, believe me.
And, with all this comes greater responsibility. 7 different classes with 7 different teachers. 7 different things to remember to do each and every day. And lockers with combination locks . gulp.
Lots of changes in store. The biggest one being that if Brett stayed in his current school, he'd still be elementary school for 6th grade. I know a lot of his buddies are a little jealous, thinking how cool it will be to be in junior high next year. Our little boy is growing up :(
Yep, lots of changes in store for all of us.
And, of course, we HAD to stop by our house.
Not lugging my cookies all the way there without seeing it.
They had the concrete poured. Finally. We now have a sidewalk, driveway, walkway and steps up to both doors. woo hoo.
Brett didn't want to leave the school. He really seemed to like it. As a matter of fact, he's wearing his 'middle school spirit' T-shirt today. As we were dragging him out of the school (imagine that!) I reminded him that he'll be back there soon enough, another 3 1/2 months.
And as I was dragging myself away from our house, I reminded myself that we'll be there soon enough. 40 more days to completion :)