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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

People May Not Like This, But I Can't Not Post It

**Thanks to Shane at http://caffeinatedthoughts.com/ for the bulk of this post!**

Dr. Robert P. George, the McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton University, wrote a piece for the Public Discourse - the Witherspoon Institute’s blog entitled “Obama’s Abortion Extremism” on 10/14/08:

"Sen. Barack Obama’s views on life issues ranging from abortion to embryonic stem cell research mark him as not merely a pro-choice politician, but rather as the most extreme pro-abortion candidate to have ever run on a major party ticket.

Barack Obama is the most extreme pro-abortion candidate ever to seek the office of President of the United States. He is the most extreme pro-abortion member of the United States Senate. Indeed, he is the most extreme pro-abortion legislator ever to serve in either house of the United States Congress.

He supports repealing the Hyde Amendment which protects taxpayers from having to pay for abortions that are not necessary to save the life of the mother or are not the result of rape or incest.

He said that the first thing he would do as President is sign the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA). This would create a federally guaranteed “fundamental right” to abortion throughout the entire nine months of pregnancy. This legislation would nullify existing state and federal anti-abortion law and policies.

He opposed the partial birth abortion ban (unlike many “pro-choice” legislators) in the Illinois Senate. He then condemned the Supreme Court decision that upheld the ban.

He said that an unexpected pregnancy is punishment that a young woman should not have to endure.

He has said women’s equality requires access to abortion on demand.

He also wants to strip federal funding from crisis pregnancy centers.

So much for finding middle ground on abortion in order to reduce the number of them that occur!

George says that it gets even worse:
But it gets even worse. Senator Obama, despite the urging of pro-life members of his own party, has not endorsed or offered support for the Pregnant Women Support Act, the signature bill of Democrats for Life, meant to reduce abortions by providing assistance for women facing crisis pregnancies.
In fact, Obama has opposed key provisions of the Act, including providing coverage of unborn children in the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (S-CHIP), and informed consent for women about the effects of abortion and the gestational age of their child.
This legislation would not make a single abortion illegal.
It simply seeks to make it easier for pregnant women to make the choice not to abort their babies.
Here is a concrete test of whether Obama is “pro-choice” rather than pro-abortion.
He flunked.
Even Senator Edward Kennedy voted to include coverage of unborn children in S-CHIP.
But Barack Obama stood resolutely with the most stalwart abortion advocates in opposing it.
Still not done - his positions & record gets even worse:

As an Illinois State Senator, Senator Obama opposed legislation to protect children who are born alive.
This legislation would not ban abortions, but protect babies who survive abortion and babies who were deliberately delivered. The federal version passed unanimously in the United States Senate.

Obama has co-authored a bill that would authorize the large-scale industrial production of human embryos for use in biomedical research. (McCain strongly opposes this bill.)
Basically this would allow “embryo farms.”

Obama was one of a few senators that opposed funding non-embryonic stem cell research.

I don’t want to question the faith of those evangelicals who support him, but I do want to exhort them that God’s word is clear regarding abortion. When Obama says that he wants to work to reduce the number of abortions, and that he wants to find middle ground with those who are pro-life what in his record has shown that he will do that? Nothing. He has shown quite the opposite. An Obama administration will be simply dangerous for the pre-born.

How can a Christian, who knows the facts about his record, vote for him with a clear conscience?

I don’t want to question the faith of those evangelicals who support him, but I do want to exhort them that God’s word is clear regarding abortion.

When Obama says that he wants to work to reduce the number of abortions, and that he wants to find middle ground with those who are pro-life what in his record has shown that he will do that?
He has shown quite the opposite.

An Obama administration will be simply dangerous for the pre-born."

I'm not here to force my views on anyone.
I really didn't know the full extent of Obama's abortion stance until now.
I just really wonder how any mother could support not only a pro-abortion candidate, but abortion itself. And, yes, I did write 'pro-abortion' not 'pro-choice'. It's all the same to me.
I guess one just sounds less horrifying than the other.

Monday, October 20, 2008

School Picture Time


Fifth Grade


(how hideous to think that my picture will be in a high school yearbook again. TWENTY YEARS after my last yearbook picture. ack.)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Yeah, I'm Old Enough to be His Mother. So What!!

I met the Notre Dame quarterback today!
He and 3 of his team mates were eating in the food court at the table next to me today.
I kept looking over thinking "Boy, that sure looks like Jimmy Clausen. But, BOY! He sure looks young" (little realizing that, in fact, I'm just old)
Then sure enough 2 little high school hotties asked him for a picture. After that I was like, yeah, who wants to pose with this now. After a LOT of cajoling from my mom, I agreed to give it a shot.
My mommy asked him to take a picture with me (!) and he was very sweet.
So, there you have it, 'Interesting Fact #7', if you will :)
And now I realize that I better never, ever meet Troy Aikman. I'd puke on his shoes.....at least he's older than me.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Tag! I'm It!

I've been tagged by Karen at www.momrun.blogspot.com to share 6 facts about myself. (it didn't say they had to be interesting facts, thank goodness)

So, here goes:

1) I played the sax in middle and high school. In high school I was also in the flag corps. In my senior year we made it to the state competition for the first time in years and years. (we performed in the 'Hoosier Dome', before it became the 'RCA Dome', before it became 'Lucas Oil Stadium'). sad.

2) I met Jeff in high school (1985). He was a senior and I was a freshman. He was dating one of my friends and she treated him like crap. She, however was the most GORGEOUS being on earth. Just absolutely perfect. They were quite a handsome couple. I STILL have her senior picture, in which he posed with her. Maybe I'll just have to post it here one of these days :)
Anyway, we had a mutual friend (Hi Rob!!) and we finally got together in 1991 and married in 1993.

3) I went to Ball State from 1989-1991 and then graduated from IU in 1994. I have a BA in psychology.

4) Both Jeff and I were born in Indiana, as were all of our parents. Our own children however were born in North Carolina and China. We like to mix it up.

5) When I was in 2nd grade I was on the 'Bozo Show'. I played one of the team games (not the Bozo buckets). My team won and I remember we got a ViewMaster set, a light up yo-yo, autographed pictures of the cast. My mom played a game too and won 1st prize. I think it was a gift certificate to dinner somewhere in Chicago.
No VCRs back then, baby, so it's all just a distant memory.

6) I can't do a somersault to save my life. I can't dive, do the splits, stand on my head. I can't do anything gymnastically or athletically. period. (but don't feel bad, I can diagram sentences like nobody's business!)

There you have it. Whoopee, huh. More than anyone would ever want to know.
(and for those of you out there who are thinking of 6 MORE things you may know about me, ahem, keep it to yourselves) :)

Monday, October 13, 2008

Somebody Give This Girl a Stage!

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Fall Field Trip

The kindergarten classes went to a pumpkin farm today. They also had pony rides.
No, she's not falling off, she's showing off!
Like a true vampire, almost turning to ash in the sun.
Choo choo
Searching (and searching and searching) for the PERFECT pumpkin
"Oh! Did you want to take a picture of me? How dare I be unprepared."
Tah Dah! Ladies and gentlemen, the PERFECT pumpkin.
Lili's first bus ride. (think she liked it?)
Yeah, just a little bit.
This is right before she fell asleep on her pumpkin.
Later she woke up and said her ear hurt. No kidding.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Seriously. What's the Deal with Susan Lucci's Boobs?

Are you watching 'Dancing with the Stars'?

I mean, I've been watching 'All My Children' since I was born and Susan Lucci was NEVER a "chesty" broad.


Monday, October 06, 2008


In the midst of cleaning out a closet I found a binder filled with information about Chinese adoption that I had put together in 2005. Included among all the papers was a print out of a Chinese lullaby "Mama Hao". It's to China like "Hush Little Baby" is to us. Anyway, I started reading the Chinese words and it hit me like a ton of bricks. THIS IS THE SONG THAT LILI HAS BEEN SINGING OVER AND OVER SINCE WE MET HER IN CHINA!!
I can't believe it! We've had NO idea what she's been singing all this time. The only thing we recognized is the 'Mama Hao' part.
I'm assuming that the orphanage staff instructed them how to sing it. Not only does she sing the song, but she does little hand motions along with it.
I mean, DUH!! I feel like a complete idiot! She's been singing this song for over a YEAR and I just now realize what it is. I searched for it 3 years ago! I must've gotten lost in my subconscious somewhere.
How exciting!
Not only do I have the Pinyin version, but the English translation as well:

'Only Mama is the best in all the world
With a mama, you have the most valued treasure.
Jump into mama's heart and
You have endless happiness.

Only Mama is the best in all the world
Without a mama you are like a piece of grass,
Away from mama's heart,
Where will you find happiness?'

How sad to think of orphans singing that song, huh?
I wonder what went through Lili's head as she sang that all those years with no mama.
(I wonder what's been going through her head the last year, singing her brains out to a completely cluless mother!)

I've linked the music to the lullaby below (it's really very beautiful):

Shi Shang Zhi You Ma Ma Hao -

Thursday, October 02, 2008

The House That Never Was

To satisfy everyone's curiosity, and since it's been sold and I'm not going to "jinx" anything, I figured I'd share a picture of 'Perfect House #1'.
We were told by our realtor that it has in fact been sold. So we move on.
But, seriously, isn't it just fantastic?!
This is our style of house.

We're not really subdivision, cookie-cutter house type people, you know what I mean? Our house has to have character and soul. And boy, did this place have it.


Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Lili and the $8.00 Dress

Meemaw and I went to 'Bailey's' today. (for those of you 'in the know' it's a pretty terrific place, isn't it?!)
They have a whole room full of brand new clothes for 80% off original retail. So this $40 dress was only $8!! Meemaw thought Lili just HAD to have it, and you'll be happy to know that Lili thinks so too! As soon as she walked in the door after school today she sniffed it out somehow and just HAD to try it on.
Complete with shoes.
She keeps asking me if she can wear it to school tomorrow.
She wanted to wear it outside.
She wants to wear it all night and every day forever.
So, yeah, I'm thinking it was worth the 8 bucks.
By the way, we were thinking it would be a good Christmas dress.
Christmas! It's October 1st.
Oh well. She's happy. (and she looks pretty darn cute, no?)

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