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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

"Baldy" Go Where No Man Has Gone Before

Went to Mt. Baldy a couple weeks ago...BEFORE the weather turned hot when we'd KILL to be at the beach (!!) As we climbed up the gigantic shifting sand of death, all I could wonder was HOW I was going to make it up the Great Wall of China? Now I know I have at least a year or two to train and prepare my body, but, um I'm not thinking that's going to happen. What will happen is that the stress of the wait, rumors and overall nothingness will only serve to make me want to eat and sleep. You'd think that one of the side benifits of not being pregnant would be no weight gain.
Well I'm here to tell you that wait=weight.
I gained 40 pounds with my pregnancy, I'll probably gain 60 with my adoption!
I was talking to my best friend from school (Hi Trish!) the other day and we were talking about working out and dieting and buying eye cream and makeup that "doesn't sit in fine lines and wrinkles" and we wondered what the heck happened? WHEN did we turn 35 and become women that need to worry about this stuff? When did our metabolism slow down, and who the heck replaced our images with our mothers' when we pass by the mirror?? Inside, mentally, I still feel like I can hang with the cool teenage girls, then I realize that I am old enough to be their mother and it's kind of pathetic. sigh. I should be glad I'm over 30. You have to be at least 30 in order to adopt from China, so there---Miss Brightside!

We just got our fingerprint appointment letter in the mail!!!!!!!!!!!!
We're going next Thursday!!! Jeff is going to take the day off and we're going to the statehouse to get everything we have state sealed, then we're going to run by our agency and have them check everything over and see if it's all OK. If not, we should have time (plenty of time!) to get thinkgs done over before we get our I171-H. HOPEFULLY we should get our dossier to China sometime this summer (?!?!?)
Jeff told me that once we get LID, I can buy one outfit/month for Lili. With the way things are going, that's going to be one well dressed kid. She'll have new clothes for the first 5 years of her life!!
Oh well, onward and upward!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Imagine my surprise when I got home from work Monday and found a package in my mailbox containing this, accompanied by a lovely letter. It really touched our hearts.
Thank you, thank you! We have it hanging in a special place (and it's actually hanging right side up!!) in our house where we can see it all the time (which is unfortunately on the entertainment center----think we spend way too much time in front of the TV!!)
It just kind of validates this whole process knowing that someone out there is thinking of you and supporting you through it.
So, again, thank you!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Let the countdown begin!

Only 7 more days of school!!! Woo Hoo! That means only 7 more days of work!! Woo Hoo!
In just 2 SHORT WEEKS I'll be able to go to bed when I want, get up when I want, shower when (and IF) I want, eat when I want, shop when I want, etc. etc.!!! YAY! I don't care that I'm pushing 40---summer vacation is STILL exciting! No more teachers, no more books.........
On the adoption front: we finally received our homestudy approval letter in the mail. That VERY SAME DAY we signed, sealed and delivered it! Hopefully, it's safe and sound at our agency today and will be sent on to immigration by the end of this week. But, of course, you never know. It may take WEEKS to get there for some reason.......not much I can do about it but complain! (oh and you BET I will :)---stay tuned!)
I wonder how many more Mother's Days will go by without my daughter. Depressing thought. Maybe one more, maybe NO more (please!!) Either way, I'm very blessed to be a mommy to my son. He's one heckuva kid. It will be really interesting to find out what he's gonna do with his life (hey, he's 8 1/2---he better start thinking about it!!) He's funny, funny, funny. I know most kids are funny because they're kids, but this boy is way out there. Funny is an art form with him, not just a side effect. He never ceases to amaze me. He is so good natured and just lets things roll off him. (sometimes that's very annoying----isn't he LISTENING to me?)
Anyway, Lili is going to be very lucky to have him for a big brother. He'll be the type of guy that will protect her, entertain her, and love her immensly forever.
If he turns out to be anything like his father, his future wife will be very lucky too. (right now, he's like "ewwww! girls :P" But, again, if he's anything like his father, he'll learn soon enough!!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

My Crib

I know that title sounds all cool and everything, but this really is about my crib, my actual baby crib (yo).
I have been longing for a Jenny Lind crib. I've seen a few online for about 100-150 dollars. eek. Not exactly something I'm just going to run out and buy for myself.
Fade to last Saturday.
One of the small towns in our area was having their annual town wide garage sale. And when I say "town wide" that means it takes about 10 minutes to get from one side of "town" to the other. I didn't hold out a lot of hope that I'd find anything fantastic, but I knew if I didn't go, there would be something amazing there and I'd regret not going. Usually, this thought leads me on a wild goose chase, a wasted day, and pent up frustration that it should've gone so much better.
Well, not this time!!! This time it was all worth it. This time, that little voice prompting me to just go ahead and go was RIGHT ON!!
I had almost finished for the day and was heading out of town with nothing. I decided to go down just "one more road" and lo and behold, leaning against the side of a deck was something that looked hauntingly "Jenny Lind"-ish. Hmmm. So I pull over. I don't want to rush right up to it, see, so I peruse all the typical yard sale fare---the used clothing, the dishes, the free puppies (FREE PUPPIES!!!!! Anyone who knows me knows that putting free puppies in front of me is like putting a wet bar in front of a drunk) Anyway, sorry puppies, not today. So, I saunter over to the crib with a very non-chalant, critical attitude. "How much is this?" I ask like I don't really care, bordering on disdain. The lady said that she didn't know how much it was, they were selling it for a friend and she wasn't there. "Oh" I say. The lady asks me to make an offer. "Oh no" I say "I don't have any idea how much to offer" (now, I was prepared to offer $20, but I didn't want to be insulting, so I made her name her price) "OK" she says "how about, oh, TEN DOLLARS?" TEN DOLLARS?!?!? Are you freakin' kidding me? I'd buy just about ANYTHING for ten dollars!! So I say "Oh, gosh, OK, I GUESS I'd be willing to pay $10." :O
Holy moly!! I was sooooo excited, if she wasn't such a skank I would've kissed her!!
Jeff was even impressed. He looked at it when I got home and thought I'd paid $50 for it. YAY!!
What a thrill! ---it's like the thrill of the hunt. I came, I saw, I conquered. Tah-Dah!
I'm thinking about painting it white. I don't know. It's so nice and cherry and shiny......

Monday, May 08, 2006


Yumm!! Do I know how to pick 'em or what??

Your 80s Heartthrob Is
John Stamos

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


I'm in kind of a funk.
Still no homestudy yet. Our social worker told us that it's being reviewed with a fine tooth comb to avoid problems down the line (which is good).
I was reading my list of favorite blogs yesterday when I came across a rumor sight. I have never read the rumors before, but everyone else always talks about it, so I figured "why not"? Well, I'll tell you why the freak not!! because rumors are always bad. always negative. even the ones that are good news will bite you in the butt because they turn out to be false after you set your mind to believing them.
I have had a subconscious fear for the last few weeks, what with all the news reports about the girl shortage in China, and the talk of them keeping their girls and focusing more on domestic adoption (which are all GOOD things). BUT! Just like your best friend getting a great job and moving away---good for them, bad for me.
Anyway, this rumor brought into light my deep, dark fear. It said that someone in Europe told someone and they told 2 friends, and so on, and so on, and so on....that the people who are "paperchasing" (like us, getting our paperwork together) better hurry up because China's going to close international adoption and only those who are already LID (dossier logged in in China) will ever get their babies. HOLY CRAP!!! All right then, hurry up!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's go!!
Now, our agency warned us NOT to buy into rumors. THEY will let us know if we need to be worried about something. Yes, the very same people that are obviously holding our homestudy because they are worried that China is going to close and they don't want us to go any further or send in our check when it's all for nothing (OK, that's all just speculation on my part, but when you're in a funk, do you really want to focus on reality?!?!)
Then, yesterday I watched Deperate Housewives that I had taped from Sunday night. You know, the one where Gabi and Carlos get their daughter taken away? (their daughter named LILI taken away?) Heart wrenching stuff. I, of course, took it as a sign. Because my life is SOOOO MUCH like the characters on Desperate Housewives!!! Allright, allright.
Add to that that the wait time has increased to 11-12 months----BLECH!!!! freakin' blech!!!

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