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Tuesday, May 02, 2006


I'm in kind of a funk.
Still no homestudy yet. Our social worker told us that it's being reviewed with a fine tooth comb to avoid problems down the line (which is good).
I was reading my list of favorite blogs yesterday when I came across a rumor sight. I have never read the rumors before, but everyone else always talks about it, so I figured "why not"? Well, I'll tell you why the freak not!! because rumors are always bad. always negative. even the ones that are good news will bite you in the butt because they turn out to be false after you set your mind to believing them.
I have had a subconscious fear for the last few weeks, what with all the news reports about the girl shortage in China, and the talk of them keeping their girls and focusing more on domestic adoption (which are all GOOD things). BUT! Just like your best friend getting a great job and moving away---good for them, bad for me.
Anyway, this rumor brought into light my deep, dark fear. It said that someone in Europe told someone and they told 2 friends, and so on, and so on, and so on....that the people who are "paperchasing" (like us, getting our paperwork together) better hurry up because China's going to close international adoption and only those who are already LID (dossier logged in in China) will ever get their babies. HOLY CRAP!!! All right then, hurry up!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's go!!
Now, our agency warned us NOT to buy into rumors. THEY will let us know if we need to be worried about something. Yes, the very same people that are obviously holding our homestudy because they are worried that China is going to close and they don't want us to go any further or send in our check when it's all for nothing (OK, that's all just speculation on my part, but when you're in a funk, do you really want to focus on reality?!?!)
Then, yesterday I watched Deperate Housewives that I had taped from Sunday night. You know, the one where Gabi and Carlos get their daughter taken away? (their daughter named LILI taken away?) Heart wrenching stuff. I, of course, took it as a sign. Because my life is SOOOO MUCH like the characters on Desperate Housewives!!! Allright, allright.
Add to that that the wait time has increased to 11-12 months----BLECH!!!! freakin' blech!!!


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