I'm a lucky girl!!
What a weekend we've had!! I'm exhausted!
Friday after work, Jeff and I left for Indianapolis to spend the night. We stayed at a cheap chain hotel and they upgraded us to a suite for some reason. Couch, microwave, fridge, but--oh yeah, NO CLOCK!! Not ONE clock in the entire room!! I thought this was very odd. We had a ton of TV channels, but didn't know what time it was unless we kept the TV on CNN......weird!!
We knew we had to get up around 6:30am, so of course I kept my watch on the night stand and every hour or so would get up and try to check the time. In a completely dark room...so I just kind of waited until the sky got lighter and checked the time and it was 6:30 on the dot. I felt like a pioneer or something----awake with the sun!
When we got to the hotel Fri. night around 10pm, "Nightmare on Elm Street" had just started. Now, if I was at home, downstairs alone, KNOWING that my family was just upstairs, I would NEVER watch this, or any other scary movie. I can't even watch commercials for scary movies (and, by the way, ever since seeing "The Ring", I can't let the TV go to fuzzy snow or I freak out!!) Anyway, knowing I had Jeff trapped the whole time right beside me, I hunkered down to watch the entire movie---until midnight!
I have to say, that movie is really great!! Johnny Depp all preppy and clean cut, such a cutie!! He actually looked like he smelled good--ahh, the good old days! I remember when that movie came out on video. I was a freshman in high school and our group of friends would rent it EVERY weekend and watch it at least twice everytime for the whole year!! Hey, when you're only 14 and can't drive, can't date and live in a town with one stoplight, you have to make your own fun!! And legal fun at that, I might add!
But I digress......
Saturday, we went to our agency's informational meeting, which will count as our 3rd of 4 homestudy meetings. It was so nice to already know most of the info. and to be so "seasoned"! I have to say that if we hadn't already experienced the things we were there to learn about, we would've left that meeting with our head spinning! But, I have to admit, we were feeling a little smug knowing that "na-na-na-na-na---we know how to do this!!"
We did get to meet a couple who adopted last February. They brought their daughter and we were able to ask questions and see their pictures. Jeff is so afraid that he's going to be toast when our little girl looks at him and says "pweeze doddy" like she did. SOOO CUTE!!
We got back home from Indy Sat. around 3:30 and then left at 5:00 (dogs and cats are NOT happy with us!!) to go to my grandpa's 90th birthday party!! Seeing this in black and white, I have to admit, doesn't sound like the coolest way to spend a Sat. night, but with my family, it's the most fun I can think of!!
It was a wonderful time, we laughed, we cried!!
I'm a very lucky girl. I have the most amazing family. Immediate family, extended family and even pseudo-family---the people who really aren't related by blood, but are always there. When I was little it used to make me so sad for all the other people in the world that weren't me!! Honestly!
I am so blessed to have come from the people that I have.
I am truly blessed that I have married someone that continues to provide me with the love and acceptance that I've been used to all my life.
I am blessed beyond belief that I have the opportunity to have the daughter I've always wanted.
All I had to do was look at my husband and say "Pweeze doddy!!!" Oh, yeah, he's toast!!