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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Countdown is On!

Lili doesn't know enough to get excited yet, but in just 27 1/2 more hours she gets to dress up in her SNOW WHITE COSTUME and go Trick or Treating!!!!!
Who cares about the candy!
She gets to dress up in her SNOW WHITE COSTUME!!!
Actually, she doesn't know it yet, but in just 4 1/2 more hours she gets to wear it too because we're going to a community Halloween party.
I've decided not to mention a word of it to her until it's time because she has absolutely no concept of time and from the time I tell her something she asks and asks and asks about it incessantly until it's time.
Like ice skating. If you tell her on Monday she's going ice skating on Friday she spends ALL DAY Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday saying "i-sate" OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN!!
So, suffice it to say Halloween, Christmas and all parties will be complete surprises to her!!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

"Baby Lili!!"

We bought Lili some footie pajamas for the winter and she LOVES them!
As soon as she saw them in the store she squealed with delight and said "baby".
Now every time she wears them she runs around saying "baby Lili" and wants to be held and rocked.
So sweet, yet so sad. It's then that I realize that Lili hasn't always been 4. She wasn't born 4. She was a baby even if we'll never know her as a baby.
It's just so strange. We feel like she's been with us forever, but not since birth, more like she's just always been here and always been 4.
I still can't believe we'll never know what she was like as a baby. I still can't believe she lived all those years, all those moments without a family. And I really just cannot believe that she has so whole-heartedly left that all behind and embraced us.
We are her family. She is our daughter. This is her life. period. That seems to be good enough for her.
It amazes me still that she even accepts this.....us.....at all.
We are all so blessed.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Leisure Suit Lili

I know this is an adorable track suit from Target, and I know Lili looks adorable in it. She even had polka dot socks on that matched perfectly.
But I couldn't help it.
The more I looked at her and the longer I lived with it, it started to look more and more like a leisure suit.

So, we all started calling her "Leisure Suit Lili"!

"Leisure Suit Lili" and "Dapper Dad"!
(yes it is just as much fun at our house as it sounds!!) :)

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Singin' with Bing!

Every day(!) when Lili gets up from her nap she holds up one finger and asks "One?"
Meaning "can she push Bing's button just once? PLEASE?!"
So, being the doting mother that I am, I always say yes.

So, Bing starts to sing. Among his repertoire: "Dancing Cheek to Cheek" and "Accentuate the Positive". Bing sings and swings. (or maybe it's croons and swoons....)

Lili just can't believe that such a voice can come out of that little plastic head!
Will wonders never cease?

"Don't you turn away from me, Bing Crosby! I'm your biggest fan!!"

Monday, October 22, 2007

I'm So Disgusted!

The following is the most tasteless article I've seen in a long time:

"Foreign orphans better than ours
October 21, 2007

American kids just aren't as lovable as they used to be.
I can't tell you the exact moment I came to that conclusion.
But it was after Oprah Winfrey built a school in Africa and around the time Angelina Jolie went to Southeast Asia (or was it India?) looking for a baby to adopt.
I know for certain it was before Ellen DeGeneres turned up all teary-eyed on TV because the dog she had adopted and given to another family was taken back to a shelter.

America used to feel really bad about its orphans.
They made movies about them. There was even a hit Broadway play.
But it was all those red-haired kids singing, "The sun will come up, tomorrow," that got us hating the sight of orphans.
Don't get me wrong.
I understand there are children born every day in Third World countries who only have a small chance of survival.
I know this because at 2 a.m., I would regularly awaken to a vision of Sally Struthers, crying and begging me for 10 cents a month to feed, clothe and educate a child in one of these countries.

Maybe it's the cost of American kids that offends so many people today.
I mean, would anyone's heart be touched if they saw an actress appear on TV with the following pitch:
"This is little Joey who lives in Ford Heights. For just $20,000 a year you can send him to a good school, keep him in Nikes and make sure he has a cell phone and a Simpsons backpack ..."
To some of us that sounds like a lot of money, but to someone like Oprah it might be the equivalent of 10 cents a week.

But I get the feeling she and countless other Americans believe their money is better spent on foreign children who have a better work ethic.
Our orphans and poor kids just don't seem willing to pick themselves up by their bootstraps.
They're lazy. Crack-addicted. They spend too much time playing video games.
Back in the days of the Great Depression, this country had the greatest orphans in the history of the world.

If Dad was a drunken, worn-out professional prize fighter, they would take it upon themselves to get a job and earn a living.

Or, as Shirley Temple demonstrated repeatedly, they would tap dance to entertain both the wealthy and impoverished.

When's the last time you saw a poor orphan kid singing, smiling and tap dancing anywhere in America?
Poor kids these days sing angry rap songs about "ho's" and killing cops.
They need an image consultant, but that would require a lot more than 10 cents a month.
While movie stars and other celebrities span the globe trying to buy foreign babies, we have to pay people to take care of ours.
These people are called foster families, and many of them are quite wonderful.
But why do we have to bribe someone to take care of American kids when folks with millions are willing to pay big money for foreign children?
And why isn't this part of the great immigration debate?
I mean, if it's wrong for people to cross our borders to take our jobs, shouldn't it be wrong for our people to cross our borders to buy someone else's children?

Buy American children first.
Every dollar spent on a home-grown kid stays in the economy.

As for education, I've just about given up on that topic.
Almost every good American I talk to tells me it's impossible to educate an American kid no matter how much you spend on him or her.
Well, that's not true for their children, of course. Or their neighbor's kids.
I'm talking about kids who don't have the good sense to pick parents who care about them.
Children that dumb don't deserve an Oprah-type school.
I mean, if we took every dollar wagered on football games each Sunday and invested it in public education ...
Now I'm sounding like Sally Struthers.

You've got to get something back for the money you spend.
Sally used to send people pictures of the children they helped.
On TV you could see how much the money helped them because in one photograph they would be all sad and surrounded by flies and in the next they would be wearing big smiles and have on pretty clothes.
Another organization had the poor orphans write letters to donors.
"Thank you very much for the money. My three brothers, two sisters and I no longer live in a cardboard box, but in a 10-room mansion thanks to your generosity."
I always suspected those letters were written by volunteers raising money, but the people back in America seemed genuinely touched.
Suddenly, Americans were traveling 10,000 miles to adopt foreign orphans.
Maybe people are investing in foreign children for the same reasons they started buying foreign cars.
For generations, my family bought General Motors automobiles. Every time we hoped for something better. Every experience ended in disappointment.
We just don't make poor orphan kids like we used to in this country.

Phil Kadner can be reached at pkadner@dailysouthtown.com or (708) 633-6787."

Oh, you better believed I "reached" Phil. My response is below:

You are vile.
You are not amusing.
Your sarcastic approach to this issue (that you brought up, by the way) is offensive and galling.
How dare YOU, who seem so concerned about "poor orphans" put labels on them: FOREIGN or DOMESTIC.
I just thank God that you're obviously too self-centered to adopt anyone, since it appears you have no clue as to what it entails.
If you'd actually like to write an informed, unbiased, readable article about the subject of adoption, feel free to contact one of the thousands of families who have opened their hearts and homes to a child. Yes, a child. A human being. Not a "poor orphan".
Mother of 2

I'm sure he'd appreciate even MORE emails, if you have the time :)

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Liliana Laura-Mei: American Citizen

We received Lili's second citizenship certificate Friday. Yes, her second one.
We received the first one in September stating that "Lilian"Laura-Mei is a citizen....blah...blah...blah. LILIAN! So, I had to go through the trouble and expense of getting passport pictures and government forms and returning the first certificate SWEARING that my daughter's name is in fact Liliana and not Lilian!
The way they worded the instructions really killed me. They stated that they got the name from OUR consulate documents and the way they spelled it on this certificate very well may not be the way that we want to spell it, but since WE would've made the mistake on the documents that WE filled out originally, that's basically just too bad. They went on to say that if in fact they did really, truly make an error (even though they didn't word it that way. The government make a MISTAKE?!?!?!) that they would send us a new certificate free of charge AFTER they investigated to MAKE SURE it really was their fault (even though they wouldn't admit it!) If they in fact found it to be an error in OUR spelling this little piece of paper would cost us 380 bucks.
Yeah, people, our daughter's name IS Liliana.
I guess they agree because we didn't get a bill with the new certificate. But an apology would've been nice.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

B&W Photo Shoot

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Monday, October 15, 2007

Lili in June 2006

I was excited to receive this picture from June 2006. Taken in the Wuchuan Orphanage playroom.
Lili is in the bottom right hand corner, sitting down in a pink jumper.
This, I think, is the earliest picture we have of her. I'm assuming her referral picture we have is from September 2006.
Either way, it's kind of interesting to think that this is a picture of her when she was "just an orphan". She wasn't available for adoption yet. She didn't know she would ever have a family and we didn't know that this would be our daughter. We were just finishing up our dossier and sending it to China in June 2006 and here she was, looking just as sad as ever.
It struck Jeff and I both that she is the only child sitting down and she is the only child that has an adult down there with her. Knowing her, she didn't want to have her picture taken and they knew that grabbing her and holding her would be a freak show, so they came down to her level. (kind of funny)
I know of a couple of the other children that are home now. I just hope that all these kids have families now or will have soon.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Let Me Digress..........

OK, I just realized that my 2 most recent posts were going to be about the Cowboys and I came to the realization that maybe some people that read this just might not be Cowboys fans....gasp! So as I pick myself up off the floor, let me explain my history with the Cowboys: America's Team. Remember the '70s? That's when I discovered the Cowboys. I remember being in 4th grade and my "boyfriend" (who I really didn't even like to be around much, huh Trish?) was in LOOOOOVE with the Miami Dolphins, he hated the Cowboys so just to oppose him I started LOOOOVING the Cowboys. Now, spite isn't the best foundation for a relationship, I understand that, but bear with me.
I was in 4th grade in 1979. (holy crap I'm old!!) Anyway, in 1979 there was a TV movie about becoming a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader ("Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders" was the name of it.......how creative!) Jane Seymour was in it and I remember being in just total awe watching that movie. So, for Christmas that year, all I wanted was Cowboy cheerleader gear. I remember shopping in the big Sears Christmas Catalog in the sports section for jerseys, duffle bags, socks, anything with that big blue star, because before long I was going to be trying out and I needed to practice! (ahh, youth!)
I know my mom still has pictures of me dressed to the nines: Short white skirt, Cowboys shirt, blue pom poms and her old flag-girl white cowboy boots! (and a pair of L'eggs eggs stuck down my shirt for the REAL cheerleader look.................I cannot believe I just admitted that. argh.)
I held onto my dreams for a few years, I guess until in high school when I realized I still needed those L'eggs eggs and I just wasn't going to cut it!
But on a side note, I did come thisclose to becoming a Ball State Cheerleader........more on that some other time.

Then in 1989 a little something named Troy Aikman came along.
Holy Cow!! He was soooo hot! (I know in 30 years I'm going to be just like one of those ladies who STILL think Joe Namath is the bee's knees!)
But you just can't deny HOT!

Lili's first exposure to Troy Aikman.

"Wow, mama. You're right! Troy Aikman is the bee's knees!"
(and yes, Jeff is aware of my obsession. He thinks I'm nuts, but he's aware!)

So, GO COWBOYS!!!!!!! Beat New England (even though there's no way you're going to!)
I'll still be you're fan!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

How 'BOUT them Cowboys!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

2 Month Liliana-versary!

OK, so we all remember August 9th! This is our Lili the very first day we met her.

Thinking back on our time in China, we were SO grateful for every little thing Lili did or allowed us to do. I just remembered the other day how she wouldn't let any one of us touch her at all for more than a week. No spontaneous hugs or pats, nothing. She would push us away if she even felt us coming towards her.
(and notice her much shorter hair!)

Well, obviously this is a girl comfortable and happy with her life.
Here she sits, a princess on her throne watching "Sleeping Beauty".
And let me tell you, you better believe I'll be out shopping at the crack of dawn Nov. 1st to get all those 1/2 price princess costumes!! We've decided to get her a big box of dresses and crowns and shoes for Christmas this year.......shh! don't tell her! :)

She's made some pretty good progress since the 1st month update.
She can now:
  • count to 10. she can use her fingers too and knows what each number means
  • sing the ABC song with more letters correct and she can say "now I know my ABCs" very well (even though she really doesn't!)
  • say "baba's at work"
  • say "banana" correctly
  • say "what do you say?" ("ah you say?") as in if she gives us something she'll say it prompting us to say "thank you" just like we do to her!
  • say "OK.......sigh" like mama!
  • say "nap time" ("nat tiiiiiime")
  • say "shopping" ("sha pain")
  • say "church" ("chuch")
  • say "night night" ("nye nye")
  • say "Snow White" ("Sno Rye") it's not funny, it's a serious obsession. I have visions of her, 50 years from now, being one of those home shopping "collectors" with a scary "Snow White Room" in her house! seriously......
  • say "football" ("tutbah") AND!! she claps and cheers for football too especially those UNDEFEATED DALLAS COWBOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • say our neighbor's dog's name "Martini" ("Tarmini")
  • say "mama's/baba's/peepaw's car and/or truck"
  • say and recognize "baby"
  • say "Elmo" ("Aylmo")
  • color pictures a little better with a little more interest
  • brush her teeth completely (and rinse and dry)
  • recognize and say her ears, eyes, nose, mouth, hair, feet, hands, head
  • voluntarily give and accept kisses on the mouth
  • say "I love you" ("I looo lu")

I'm sure there's more, but I can't think and you're probably bored anyway.

Suffice it to say, we're blessed.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Lili: The Lawn Mowing Muppet (I bet THAT got your attention!)

She's 4 and A HALF-----we thought it was about time for her to start earning her keep!
(and how about Super Jeff? huh? mowing with one hand with a kid on his shoulders! oooooh....)

Lili the Muppet. Doesn't she look like Kermit the Frog with her dangling legs? :)

This Town Ain't Big Enough For The Both Of Us!

Mirror, mirror on the wall....
Who's the best Snow White of all?
OK, so Lola's a bit put out that Lili is going to be Snow White for Halloween. That's what she wanted to be!!!
It's so not fair! Lola just hasn't been the same since she found out.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Goofballs on Parade!

Ahhh.....my kids.
Every day is a circus and I'm the overworked, underpaid ringmaster. :)

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