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Monday, May 31, 2010

What we did on our (first 3 days of) summer vacation

We had QUITE the jam packed weekend.
We left our house Friday after work and the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL (!!) to go to the pool. And what absolutely perfect weather for swimming! I can't remember a Memorial Day in the past couple of decades where it was in the upper 80s and sunny the whole weekend and the pool was even over 80 degrees!
They're quite the little models, aren't they?

Our other kids, just itching to get outside where there are no leashes or collars out in the country! Lots of grass to roll in, dirt to dig in and sunshine to nap in.

Blinded by the light.

Rocco made a little puppy nest in the hostas. Cute little piggers.

A little slice of heaven. What's better than a hammock between 2 trees?

I guess a hammock between 2 trees with a view of the pool :)

And now, I suppose it's time I let you in on what's been going on around here and whey we're so busy every weekend.
I inherited my grandparents' house when my grandpa passed away this past fall.
It's something I've known about since I was very young.
Jeff and I (and the kids) are honored and excited to have been given this amazing gift.
We've been doing a lot of work, hoping to do my grandparents proud.
And this past weekend is what it's all about. My grandma's sister and her family have their mother's house as their family's summer home. The 2 houses share common land between them and I have so many fond memories of being able to walk across the field to see our cousins, aunts and uncles anytime. Lots of swimming and volleyball games, bonfires and cookouts have happened and will continue to happen.
This weekend was spent with cousins and swimming and eating and watching Brett and Lili frolick back and forth between the houses, playing with their cousins all day and night. The kids took care of themselves. We didn't even know where they were 1/2 the time, but knew they were safe and happy. The dogs were off their leashes, running around, acting like dogs and I was sitting there taking it all in. Reliving the past 39 years of my life spent in exactly the same way. Feeling so blessed that this is my life.
So, while we now have TWO houses to take care of and clean and work on, it's never been thought of as a burden, but a blessing.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

It's a Boy!! Our latest adoption!

Meet Rocco, our latest addition

He's a Boston Terrier whom we traveled almost all the way to Lansing, MI after work/school on Thursday to pick up. (loooooooong drive on a school night!)

Poor little Lola. She's not used to sharing the spotlight. Maybe this'll knock her down a few pegs. Diva.

" Hey, sis! Let's play!"
"Hey, buddy, back off!!"

Lola trying to figure it all out.

"Stinky Boy!!"

He is a CHEW FREAK! This is a MUCH better option than my fingers. Ouch !!
Rocco, getting his freak on.

Me, taking a picture.
Rocco, taking the camera strap.

Little piggy face.

He plays hard and sleeps hard.

Rocco's lair: the laundry room. He's color coordinated to the floor. What more could you ask for?

Sleepy face.

Zonked out on his teddy bear.
Night, night, Rocco.

Friday, May 07, 2010

Well, Thank You, Madame!

Well, there she is!! I finally posted a picture of Lili, aren't you proud of me?
Today was the day that Lili got to bring home her Mother's Day gift for me. I told her I'd put it away and not open it till Sunday. She looked at me like I had killed her and said "you HAVE to open it right now, or my teacher said it will DIE!!"
Ok, then. That definitely peaked my curiosity.

Lili had painted a bucket pink and planted pink and white petunias for *ahem* me.
She did have to tell me that she's always wanted flowers of her own and that I have sooooo many already, she really, really wished I could let her take care of these. I told her I think they'd look perfect in her room. They kinda go with the whole color scheme, don't you think?

Lili gave me not one, but TWO cards.
OK, seriously, if you think we're joking about how much this kid LOVES food, do you get it now?
"I really like it when you make me food." Yes, people, she really does!

This is the front of the card.

Here's another card she made me. Once again, it mentions that I'm a good cook (back to the whole food thing again).

And this is the cover of the card.
She is seriously into big, fat Angelina Jolie lips, especially as a self-portrait. And do not overlook the loooooooooong dangly earring that she's drawn for herself, since she can't wear them in real life, not until she's 35 anyway, if her dad has anything to do with it :)
Do any of you remember that puppet Madame from Solid Gold? Obviously Lili thinks she resembles her. A lot: click here for a blast from the past
And to all the moms out there, Have a happy, happy Mother's Day!!

Thursday, May 06, 2010

A teasy little peek into what we've been up to

Any ideas?

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