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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Her Highness' Royal Quarters

It's taken almost 6 months, but I think we finally have Lili's room done.
She still wants pink walls, but we really don't feel like taking everything out and painting. And, who knows how long she'll really like pink......heh, knowing her....forever !
I cannot tell you how THRILLED I am that she's such a girly-girl. Thank goodness for her, or I wouldn't have any place for 1/2 my stuff that I was able to put in here. (Jeff told me if I hung another plate in the kitchen, he'd kill me....and considering how much Lili loves food, I think they're a good fit!)

I found this mirror at Goodwill for 25 bucks. Well, if you know me, you know I waited till 1/2 off day and got it for $12.50! A can of spray paint, and Lili loves, loves, loves it (and it matches her walls exactly. A point we kept stressing over and over!)

Most of her room is the same as it was in our other house. A little tweaking here and there, but it's basically the same look. I do miss the white wainscotting, but if we're not gonna even paint, I'm not gonna hold out for wainscotting!

I love my Big Lots Martha Stewart lanterns...a little nod to the Chinese thing. (even though Lili is NOT CHINESE! She will not even entertain the thought. Sometimes, she'll make her eyes into slits and say "There, now I Chinee." Corker.)

Since Lili loves mirrors (and herself) so much, here's one whole wall dedicated to her reflection. And I kid you not when I tell you it's her favorite part of her room. I'll find her in there for hours looking at herself and singing.
I still have some little things to do. Little tweaking here and there, but we finally got all of her things out of boxes and her room is clear of all packing/moving stuff.
I can't believe it took so long....I guess it's because her room was my favorite room in our other house and I just couldn't quite figure this one out. I'm still not 100% satisfied with it, but she likes it, so that's what counts.
The princess is pleased.


At 11:12 AM , Blogger Musings from Kim K. said...

Her room is simply gorgeous! It's definitely fit for a princess. We have a blizzard going on. I'm working from home today. You can bet I'll be sneaking some crafts and baking projects!!


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