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Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Day 7: Library and McDonald's for Snacks

After sleeping in until TEN O'CLOCK (!) We hung out at the library for over an hour, Brett on his laptop and Lili on the library's Mac computers making funny faces and movies of herself. Yep, just what the library's all about. What? They have books there? Huh.

They just LOVE getting treats from the library vending machines so they each took $1. Yikes!! I couldn't believe that they've raised their prices so much. $1.25 for a regular sized candy bar and $.80 for a 5-stick pack of gum! Well, thank goodness for good 'ol Mickey D's. $1.00 for 3 cookies and 59 cent ice cream cones. And, of course, hazelnut iced coffee, this mom's crank.

We had a fun time, as you can see.


At 10:04 PM , Blogger Musings from Kim K. said...

Please tell me you checked out books from the library (hee hee)...this is the former librarian in me. Hey, didn't you work at a library too?

Great pics, Nikki.


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