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Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I was looking for recent pictures, and realized that I don't even have a FILE for April 2010. Unreal. I cannot believe I haven't taken one picture this entire month. I should have my "mom license" revoked.
Oh well. It's not like we haven't done anything picture-worthy in April or anything. Just nothing that would motivate me to get out the camera, I guess.

We had a nice Easter, 3 Easters, as a matter of fact. But, there wasn't much dressing up this year. We've been doing...something...every weekend that precludes any of us actually looking nice for most of it (more on that later).

Amazingly, the kids only have 28 more days of school, which also ties in to why we've been so busy (and scuzzy) every weekend.

Lili's only got 11 more days till she can finally change her earrings!! She absolutely cannot WAIT to go earring shopping. It's going to break her heart when I tell her no dangly, street corner earrings since that's all she wants to wear. The longer and sparklier the better. geesh. Her dad just cannot wait till she's a teenager :)

The weather's been nice so far this month. A few days in the 80s already. Last week we had the A/C on, this week it's the heat. At least the sun's been shining. It makes everyone and everything a little bit brighter.
I guess I need to dust off the camera and get some adorable shots of my equally adorable kids doing something, well, quite adorable I'm sure.

Hope everyone has a great, springtime week.

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