Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Haven't posted anything in a LOOOOOOOONG time. It's just WAY to early to get this exhausted about the whole process, but I am. Sure, I have moments of pure delight when I think about our daughter, the trip to China, how MAYBE in 2007 sometime she'll be home. But, most of the time it's just utter blah about the whole thing. I really do try to stay away from rumors or at least take them with a grain of salt. I really do. I don't know. I mean, I know that it'll happen.
By the way, we're DTC. 8/18/06. I always envisioned being much more excited to post that. I always thought I'd have a big DTC post with everything in capital letters. And, really, I was excited when I got the news. I was. But now, of course we're waiting for our LID which could take X number of weeks, months, whatever. I do really feel more confident now that we're DTC. It's nice to know that the paperwork is done and gone. I feel like this is more concrete. But, man, this doing nothing thing is going to be hard. I was warned to appreciate all the hustle and bustle of the dossier because at least we were actively participating. So, anyone out there who is paperchasing, enjoy it because in hindsight it really isn't all that bad.
So, what have I been doing for the last month or so?
*Well, I've gone back to work. whoopee! That's always such a thrill. (but, only 163 more days until I'm "retired"---again!)
*Jeff was away for 12 DAYS on a business trip in early August. What a killer!! I guess I'm just not independent enough---I'm DEFINITELY not a feminist. I need my man! But, we all survived and he's home (and, hindsight again, I'm thinking of how nice it would be to have our bed all to myself!)
*I have stocked Lili's closet FULL of clothes! You just can't beat the end of season clearance sales!!
*I have started Lili's lifebook. I really enjoy scrapbooking and over the months have stock-piled all kinds of China-adoption-related supplies. I kind of have it layed out on a month by month basis of what we did when. It's a nice reminder of all the running around we did!
*We now have almost everything we need for Lili's room. We have the crib, dresser, paint, etc. Now all we need to do is do it. Maybe this winter when we won't have any other projects ?? It's not like we're worried about running out of time or anything.
So, that about sums it up. I think after we're LID I'll post our timeline. I know it's helped me when I get to see other people's.
My next post will be with our LID date. HOPEFULLY sometime yet this month......but you never know!