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Wednesday, June 28, 2006


.........AND AFTER!
My great-grandfather handcrafted a lot of furniture. This headboard is one thing that he made. I found it in my grandpa's garage, in the rafters. Over the past couple years I've filched some "old junk" that is "taking up soooo much space" in his house (in the garage rafters!) Anyway, I found this treasure and knew I just had to have it. My hubby thought I was NUTS and proceeded to tell me that this was indeed a piece of junk and what on earth was I going to do with it? I told him he could help me load it in the car or hand over 100 bucks so I could buy a new headboard. So, off in the car it went!
It took me about 18 hours total to complete the transformation. (I'm like a dog with a bone----once I have a project I'll work on it gangbusters until it's DONE! AND I had something to prove!)So tah dah!
Now, in the middle panels where the fabric is now, there used to be hand carved figures. My grandma was also a notorious filcher, so she removed them and put them on other projects of hers. So, what turned out being a Polish headboard has now morphed into something particularly French looking---"Oui, oui".
Said hubby is now very impressed with me! He took back all his nay-saying and apologized to my ancestors for calling this "Junk".

Headboard: Free
Paint: Free (leftover from our bathroom wainscotting---also used on the ladybug rocker)
I also used craft paint I've had laying around for a few years
Fabric: $2.00/yd at Walmart. I used about 1/3 of a yard, so approx. $.70
Ribbon trim: the priciest item---$1.86
Proving my hubby wrong: PRICELESS!!! :)
So, the way I see it, hubby dear owes me about $95.44!!!!


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