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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Notarize Me!!

Found out a couple days ago that ALL our dossier documents have issues with their notarization. ALL the documents that we got done MONTHS ago. Getting the documents was a piece of cake. The documents themselves are fine and dandy, but the notarization------ahhhh, different story.
We've used the same Notary Public for most of our stuff. Come to find out that she's gotten her expiration date wrong, so we will need to get everything she's done re-done with the correct expiration date (which, by the way, is just ONE day off)
Also, I think I'm up to FIVE doctor's letters because the THREE different notaries they've used at their office have done something wrong.
I also need to have a different doctor letter re-done, but guess what?!?! He's on vacation for another week---more waiting (which you know I LOOOOOVE!!)
You know, bullcrap, our documents are correct. We have everything that China could possibly need from us. Who cares if there's issues with the notarization-----WE swear that they're authentic!! But I guess what we say doesn't count. Not when you're dealing with government. They only believe you if someone more "official" will back you up..........well, they're doing a GREAT job so far (thanks!!)
We're just waiting for our final immigration form. Hopefully our fingerprints are OK and won't need to be re-done. When that form (the "I-171H") comes, we can submit our dossier to our agency and then they send it along to China (which takes weeks and weeks). And, of course, our agency's "dossier lady" will be on vacation next week and the week after--right about the time that our dossier will be ready to send. Which means, we will need to WAIT to submit it until she returns to work. Fan-freakin'-tastic!!! I think we should get a partial refund for our pain and suffering during that time! SOOOOOOO UNFAIR!!!! But, to quote Jim Carrey in "Liar Liar", we'll just "bend over and take it" because there's nothing we can do about it (but PRAY for sanity!)


At 7:34 AM , Blogger Becky said...

Oh, Nikki, I SO know what you were going through! We have completed four - count 'em, four! - dossiers, and our problems always arose at the notary level! It's enough to tear your hair out! But you hung in there, and your dossier is complete and you're on your way! Give yourself a big ol' pat on the back!
(from another Augugst DTC Mom)


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