Catching Up...
She's our little constant optimist---"that kid just has to drop something sometime".....
Well, little Lola, you'll learn soon enough that not only does she NEVER let any food escape her grasp, but if you get too close, she just may grap a knife and fork and you could be next, my pretty!!
We ventured out to story time at the library yesterday as a pre-cursor to the upcoming playgroup today. Lili picked out a couple movies (Dora, which she LOVES, LOVES, LOVES. yep, she's now learning Spanish geesh!). Then I picked her up and headed towards the story nook. She tried to get down and hid her face saying "no", but I gripped her tighter, said "yes" and sat down.
She sat in her own chair and listened to the story like any good 4 year old!!! mwuh, ha, ha!
Then she actually colored a whole picture and said "bye bye" to the ladies when we left.
This morning's playgroup was at our neighbors' house. Lili was all about the walk there, but when she saw we were going into a house, she squirmed away. So I picked her up and in we walked. She was kicking and curling up into her famous ball, but I sat down and held her.
It wasn't long before she was sitting on her own next to me. She played with some toys and observed. There were about 20 kids and mothers there. Lots of noise and activity so she had LOTS to observe!
We stayed almost 2 hours and by the last 1/2 hour she was venturing around on her own, playing by herself and interacting with other kids and moms. (of course being offered Goldfish crackers didn't hurt!) So, all in all it went well. She warmed up (eventually) like I hoped she would and now that we're home she keeps going to the windows that face our neighbors' house and pointing and smiling!!
I guess when you consider it hasn't even been 3 weeks since we've been home, she's making pretty good progress.
She's attached to us (like GLUE!) and loves her home and family. She's sleeping and eating and learning more every day. she can count to 5, recognize how many, and recognize A, B, and C.
11 months till kindergarten!! :)
Wow. You have one brave little girl. That's really impressive on how well she's doing in public settings. Give yourself a pat on the back, Mom!!
Kim K.
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