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Friday, March 16, 2007

Where in the world is Lili?

Lili is residing in the Wuchuan City SWI (Social Welfare Institution--orphanage) in the Guangdong Province. That's the yellow province located at the bottom of the map. Look for Hong Kong and you've found it. Not really sure yet where Wuchuan is. I think it's towards the bottom of Guangdong, near the water from what I could tell on another map. ???
Subtropical climate. VERY hot and wet in the summer, which is when we should be there---anytime between June and August/September. Subtropical sounds really good now! But subtropical in August is a whole different ballgame! I'm a sunny and 75 degree, no humidity with a slight breeze kind of girl....oh well. Like I can complain!!

I slept from 11-4 last night. And that was with a Benadryl. The 5 hours I got though was a solid sleep. This coming from a girl who needs, at minimum, 9 hours a night to be able to function. (I sound REALLY high maintenance, don't I?) But, I guess I should get used to less sleep. The plane ride, the entire time in China, the jetlag both there and back at home. We'll see how this old girl holds up!

My husband and I must've talked a zillion times last night (he's away in Georgia right now). I guess our "talking" was actually more just giggling and sighing. This is so surreal, especially with him being gone. I don't think we'll really think it's "real" until he gets home. We just want to hug each other! I told him before he left that we would be matched this time ONLY BECAUSE he's out of town. We always have to do things the hard way, so it just figures! :)

I just can't really function. I'm SOOO glad I don't have to go in to work today. Although I'm sure I'll stop by to spread the news! I am so blessed to have so many people who share my joy. People that are just as excited for us as if it were happening to them. THAT is the real blessing. And it really makes me even that much happier to be able to give them joy. I am blessed beyond belief! Thanks be to God.

In my last post I quoted a line from "When Love Takes You In":
"In a moment what has been is lost in what will be"
THAT is exactly what I'm feeling now. All the paperwork, anxiety, stress, waiting, worrying, all of it is just GONE. I am "lost in what will be" and I couldn't be happier about it! :)


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