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Wednesday, April 02, 2008


We went to Kindergarten Roundup tonight.
Kindergarten...........where have the last 5 years gone?? :)
5 years ago, we were not even thinking about having more than one kid. Brett was going to HIS Kindergarten Roundup in 2003...........
I feel so guilty. How could we not have somehow known about Lili when she was born?
We didn't even begin thinking about 'her' until she was 3. So weird.
Anyway, we saw a few people we knew. One of Brett's bud's sister will be in Kindergarten too. And, of course, seeing a bunch of people I used to work with was nice too. People that were SO excited to meet Lili and are hoping to have her in their class.
By the way, I'm going to go back to my old job for the month of April.
Say what??? Work when I don't have to? Am I crazy??
Maybe, but I'm actually looking forward to it. I'm covering for someone while they take a leave of absence for a month. A little extra money and a little time out of the house should do us all some good. I'll be doing what I did before I resigned so hopefully I'll remember it all. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again. I'm going in tomorrow while Lili's at preschool. Yes, tomorrow, April 3rd, one year to the day since I submitted my resignation. Guess I've come full circle.


At 8:54 PM , Blogger Musings from Kim K. said...

Wow. Kindergarten Round-up and going back to work. That's a lot to digest in one day. By the way, what exactly will you be doing at your job? How will Lili manage while you are at work?


At 9:59 PM , Blogger Mom on the Run said...

Ok, first of all, I am so thankful that I didn't have anything in my mouth when I read your comment - I would have either ruined the computer or choked. You are hilarious!!

Obviously, you haven't noticed the burns your house. Sorry about that. Guess I'm going to have to go back to the tights for a little longer :-)

Second, kindergarten round up! Oh my goodness!

If you need help in April watching Lili, let me know. Em and Lili can play chase in their leotards.

Thanks for putting a smile on my face!


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