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Friday, August 10, 2007

Sorry It's Taken So Long---We're Alive!!

Our first glimpse of Lili. She didn't want to come to us, so we had to go to her. That's her nanny on the left and the director on the right. She was very scared of us.
Well, here's our girl!! She HATED us! She kicked, screamed, yelled and shoved us away for over 3 hours. She tried escaping the van on the way to the hotel and then our hotel room! She is STRONG and strong willed. Her eyes were swollen almost shut from crying.

Lili in our hotel room. She FINALLY cried herself into oblivion! whew! She woke up a few minutes later crying, screaming and trying to leave again. She finally sat quietly in a corner and then played with toys and let us play with her and even shared food, water and toys with us. We finally saw a few smiles and we had a nice time for a couple hours before bed. She (and we) slept soundly for over 12 hours!!

Here we are this morning at the same office where we got her yesterday. We were really nervous about going back. Her nanny and the director were there too, but our guide made them stay away from her. She did see them, but acted like she didn't know who they were. whew! She didn't leave Jeff's lap the whole time. poor guy! No a/c and a HEAVY, sweaty kid stuck to you!

We had a major breakthrough back at the hotel, and decided to go to lunch. She willingly took Jeff's hand and grabbed Brett's too. She called me 'mama' and Jeff 'dada'. Whe think we heard her say 'ge ge' (big brother) to Brett too. :) :)

She loved her nuggets, fries and ketchup. She liked the Coke too, but it tickled her nose! She is very neat and kept using her napkin. She was smiling the whole time.

We went to a local park. She was fearless and LOVED to play. She loved chasing Brett and running around. She was screaming (FUN screaming!), laughing and running around. Just like any other 4 year old! We are sooooooo grateful to God for moments like this! They may not last forever, but we know that she's capable of adjusting and letting go.
She is a beautiful girl and she knows it! Her smile is so coy and amazing! She LOVES to walk all over Brett (and he loves it to!!)
We will try to post as often as possible. I know you waiting a LONG time for this post, and I'm so glad that it could be a happy one!!


At 3:52 AM , Blogger Chelley said...

Justed wanted to say that we are thinking of you and hoping that each day will get a little better for you and your family


At 8:51 AM , Blogger Heather - The Wanna-be Super Mom said...

I am sitting at my desk at work choking back tears for joy for you. Lili is beautiful, and I am so happy for you that you all are doing so well. I have been checking twice a day to see when you would post Gotcha Day!!! I am so excited for you!!!

At 4:31 PM , Blogger Musings from Kim K. said...

I'm in tears reading your recent posts and looking through the pictures. Wow. She's amazing. I hope each day continues to get easier.

Kim Kenward

At 8:13 PM , Blogger Mikenjane said...

Congratulations on your beautiful new daughter! We are also parents of a Wuchuan wonder, now 6 1/2 years. (When I saw photos of your daughter crying, she really resembled our daughter lol! Plus the middle name of mei; so I checked back and saw that she was indeed from Wuchuan.) Good luck as you complete your China journey!
Our Wuchuan daughter is very bright, intense, loving, and strong-willed; as a four year old, she was a handful and I only hope that the world is ready for her when she reaches adulthood. Your daughter seems to be following a similar pattern! Our Wuchuan daughter also really loves to swim.

We hope that your Wuchuan daughter makes your family as happy as our daughter has made ours!

Jane, Mike, Ani (Mei Xiao Yue), and Elia

At 12:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your mom sent your pics and blog entries to me. I am so glad she did. Congratulations to you all. What a truly wonderful thing! I look forward to the chance to meet Lili when I am out your way.
Scott T.


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