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Sunday, August 05, 2007

The Night That Never Was

Ni Hao from Beijing!!
We made it in sometime I think it was yesterday ?! We landed at 2:30pm China time, 2:30am eastern time. Our flight was only a little over 12 hours long instead of the 13 1/2 we were anticipating. The first 4 or 5 hours was really hard, but after that, it went pretty quickly. It was so weird, when we were descending it really didn't seem like we had been on a plane for 12 hours. I guess that was mostly due to seeing daylight the entire flight. weird.
We flew over Canada, the North Pole, Siberia and Russia. The plane monitors kept showing the route we were taking and how much longer we had to go.
We watched 4 movies and didn't sleep for even 5 seconds. ugh! Brett slept for a few hours, so he did well. I just wasn't tired. I was relaxed, which is SOOO not like me, but I just didn't sleep.
Oh well, we slept a good 9 hours last night, the problem was it was from 6pm to 3am China time. We had to wait 3 hours to go to breakfast. We saw so many Americans at breakfast, I'm thinking they got up very early too! We were so excited to see other Americans! We've only been here a few hours, but it's overwhelming to be a foreigner!
We have a free day today. We're going to an acrobat show this afternoon. I think we're going to venture out on our own, maybe to the Temple of Heaven.
We have an agency guide all to ourselves. She took us to a grocery store to get some snacks last night and is staying in the hotel room right next to ours.
We are just looking forward to moving on to Guangzhou and Lili!! I keep thinking that we're just on vacation somewhere. Somewhere with a Chinatown and if we just keep walking we'll be back to the American side!!


At 10:53 PM , Blogger Musings from Kim K. said...

I've been peeking at your blog anxious for a posting. Glad you survived your long flight. I can't wait to read and see pictures of Lili.

Kim Kenward


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