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Thursday, August 02, 2007

By the way....

I know there are some of you out there (Hi Karen!!) that don't comment because you don't have a Blogger account. So, if you'd like to contact us while we're in China, or any time, our email address is:

(now I expect to hear from you-----Karen!!) :)


At 11:05 PM , Blogger Switched For Life said...

Just saw your blog listed on the RQ site. Have a safe and wonderful trip! We leave in the am ourselves for our little waiting boy and maybe we'll run into you in Guangzhou. :-)

At 10:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm here! (jumping up and down waving my arms in the air wildly) But I think that post is a little bit like cyber guilt tripping. lol!

Email sent to both accounts...

I'm so excited for all of you! Can't wait to meet her! Lili is the luckiest (and soon to be most spoiled) girl in the world! And yes, Nikki, I do mean MORE spoiled than you. ;-)


At 12:24 PM , Blogger Nik's Knacks said...

Oops, Karen. I was talking about another Karen, but if it got you to comment, it was all worth it!!!


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