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Friday, June 29, 2007


OK, I'm sick of being such a whiner! Seriously, I'm starting to get on my own nerves!
I decided this morning to just suck it up and deal with it.
Let's face it, this wait for TA isn't the biggest tragedy in the world.
"Oh, poor me, I have my referral, I know who my daughter is, our adoption is official, we've been accepted and all I have left to do is wait to go". It really doesn't sound like the end of the world, does it?
I realized that things are what they are no matter WHAT I do, HOW I think, or WHAT I feel.
The way I choose to handle things has zero affect on the way things happen.
Whether I moan, complain, pout, cry or scream isn't going to make the CCAA do anything differently than they would do if I didn't act that way.
God, especially, isn't going to change. ESPECIALLY with the way I've been acting.
Think about it. You go to a store with your kid and your kid WHINES, POUTS, CRIES, SCREAMS, throws a TANTRUM because they want something. They complain to you that "you're not fair" and that they "HAVE to have this because they WANT it NOW"!
You're not very receptive to that, are you?
And, that's what I've basically been doing with God. DEMANDING that he give this to me NOW!!
I've been an A-1 brat and I'm done.
So there! :)


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