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Monday, November 03, 2008

My Last Political Post

Yes, I know this is supposed to be a blog about our China adoption.
At the very least it's supposed to be a blog about my children, my family.
And I think that this election (as with all elections, but this one most especially) is about my family.
I'm not the biggest John McCain or even Republican fan in the world.
I used to spurn voting because it's just a decision between one lying hypocrite or another.
It might shock you, but my main concern at this time is NOT the economy.
My main concern is the morality of this country.
The basic values and morals of the candidates and what their administration will do to my family, not necessarily for my family.
As someone said yesterday: "It's NOT the economy stupid, it's CHARACTER." Amen.
Of course I want my husband to be employed and I want us to have money and a retirement fund and I want the US dollar to be strong.
But what I want MORE than financial security is a moral society.
I want people of character, morals and basic 'good' to lead our country.
And while I know that's probably not going to happen because basically 'politician' and 'moral' is an oxymoron, I don't think that 'change' is necessarily a good thing.
Just look at our country.
We're not allowed to pray in school, we can't talk about God, we can't say the word 'Christmas', we can't even say the word Jesus (unless we're swearing), and soon we won't be able to call our parents 'mom' and 'dad' or ourselves 'husband' and 'wife'. We don't teach the constitution or about the founding fathers, we wash over history. We're SO all-fired concerned about maybe, possibly offending someone that we're becoming a Stepford society where everything's accepted as long as 'they're not hurting anyone.'
I'm just sick of it.
I'm not politically correct and I. Don't. Care.

I'm not trying to change anyone's minds or even be informative. I guess I'm just trying to vent, get my opinion across, for what it's worth.

If you don't like it, you don't have to read it. I'm not here to pander. period.
told you I wasn't politically correct.


At 10:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think your political posts have all been great! I agree with you that the morality of our country is the most important issue.

The pastor at our church did 2 sermons on the election. He never endorsed a candidate but talked about what should matter to Christians in this election. It is a great listen if you have time!

(Scroll down to Sunday Evening and listen to 10/18 and then 10/26.)

The first deals with what matters in a good leader (Character, Competence and Content) and the second is on the issues that matter to Christians. The first being the sanctity of life. He talks about what a culture of life means to a civilization. As a former pro-lifer that believed that abortion is not a political issue, this had a very profound impact on me. It IS an important political issue and critical to the future of our country.

Thank you for having the courage to post your convictions! Many people like to post anonymous comments and I appreciate people that are willing to put their name on the line for what they believe. I wont always agree with it but I will always respect others right to their opinion! :)

Abigail (Birmingham, AL)

At 11:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, it is pretty clear that, as you said, you are not trying to be "informative". For example, on the one hand you complain that kids are not taught the Constitution, and on the other hand you complain that you can't pray in school. First, please understand that anyone can legally pray in school. The Constitution just forbids a school led prayer. Why? Because someday, there may be people of some faith other than yours in charge. Would you want them to impose their views on your children? The separation of church and state was a founding principle of this Country. Either you respect the Constitution -- or you don't.

As far as character goes, ask yourself if you think McCain has more character than Obama when he had an affair and left his wife (who waited for him to return from Vietnam) because she was badly disfigured ina tragic accident.

What kind of character does it take to campaign on falsehoods (eg. Obama is a Muslim, Obama is a terrorist, etc.).

What kind of morals allowed us to be taken into war based upon lies...weapons of mass destruction, we will be greeted as liberators, oil will pay for the war, etc.

What kind of morality gives tax cuts to the very wealthy and burdens our children with the largest national debt in history and allowing the middle class to vanish?

What kind of morals allowed the victims of Katrina to die when they received no help from our government for days after the storm hit...

What kind of morals allows innocent children to go without healthcare?

What kind of morals allows our planet to be choked to death in the interest of allowing oil companies to enrich themselves?

What kind of morals allowed the republican congressmen to have sex with the children entrusted to them as congressional interns?

What kind of morals allowed Larry Craig to have sex with another man in a public restroom...

It is time for a change...a big Change. It is time to elect a president who will restore honor and integrity to White House and to Washington. And Obama will.

At 8:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

First, I know this is your blog about your adoption process and family so I am sorry for continuing this chain but I feel compelled to respond.
As far as school led prayer being forbidden by the Constitution, I would like to see that specific language. That is YOUR interpretation of the Constitution. How can school led prayer be forbidden but schools teaching our children evolution, gay rights, and other controversial issues that many Americans consider "religous" beliefs okay??? Does separation of church and state not apply here?

John McCain did leave his wife and he was wrong. Ultimately that is between he and his ex-wife and he and God. I can't speak to where he is with God but I know his ex-wife has endorsed him for President. She obviously thinks enough of his character now to forgive him for what he did 25 years ago.
The rest of the points are not really worth countering since I could name just as many Democrats with moral failings. The argument around Katrina is illogical and used to illicit emotion. The problems in New Orleans were already rampant due to corrupt city government (Democrats-Nagin) and an incompetenmt governor (Democrat-Blanco). That is not to say that mistakes were not made at the federal level but to place all the blame there is inaccurate.

It is NOT a federal government's job OR place to be everything to her citizens. It is up to people to take personal responsibility for their lives. It is up to us to hold each other accountable for our actions. We are in the mess today because the government has taken over too many aspects of our lives. I do not look for the President to be by pastor or my parent. I want paved roads, national security, energy independence and protection for those that cannot protect themselves. I will always help the least among us but it is not my responsibility to subsidize those that are have nots by choice.

I also would like to encourage you again to put a name to your posts. If your beliefs are so strong, stand by them with a name. It is sneaky to post on people's blogs without letting them know who you are!

Abigail (Birmingham, AL)


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