5 Month Liliana-versary!
Wow! It's been 5 months already/it's only been 5 months?!
Lili continues to make awesome progress in every way.
Here's what she's up to now:
- "Disgusting": "see-gus-see"
- "Ladybug": "Lili-bug" :)
- "China": "Tyna"
- "Nothing": "No-fang"
- "Really?": "Reelay?"
- "Lili's turn": "Lili tun"
- "Brett": "Bett"
- "Not you/not yours": "Not yooo/not yos"
- "Lili's pretty!": "Lili pity!"
- "Lili doesn't smell!": "Lili no smelwl!"
- "Bubble": "Bah-bo"
- "Go ahead": "Go head"
- "Better": "Betta"
- "Lili's room": "Liliswoomah"
- "Gogo's turn": "Gogo tun"
- "Die!! Yesss!": "Die!! Yesss!" (what can I say? she has a 10 year old brother!)
- She can identify: yellow, blue, green, red
- She can identify: circle, triangle, square
- "Flower": "Fowuh"
- "Get off of me!": "off uh meeee"
- "Pizza": "Peeeeza"
- "Taco": "Tacol"
- "I found you/you found me": "I fine yoo/yoo fine me"
- "Too heavy": "too hey-veee"
- She is beginning to speak in mostly complete sentences
- When she talks on her "phone" she always says this: "Hello? Hiiiiiiiii. OK, OK, Yeah, Buh-Bye!"
We sure are blessed!
I have some video from today too, but Blogger isn't cooperating, so that will have to wait.
Congratulations on your 5 month Lili annivesary. She's accomplished amazing things in such a short time. We look forward to the next video installment.
Kim K.
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