3 Month Liliana-versary!! (wow!)
3 months ago today we saw Lili for the first time. Amazing. We've come so far in so little time.
Here's what our Lili-bug is saying now:
- "Oh Man!" (courtesy of "Swiper" from "Dora")
- "Monkey" ("Boots" on Dora)
- "Poop" (she now categorizes which kind of potty it is!)
- "Stinky" (see above)
- "Come On" ("tum ooooonnnnnn")
- "Be Careful" ("carefuh")
- "I Can't" ("I cannnn" while shaking her head)
- "Sophia" (our nice cat)
- "No Touch" ("no tuh")
- "Go See" (as in "I look sooo pretty, let's go see!")
- "Show Baba" (as in "I look sooo pretty, let's go show Baba!")
- "Yeah" ( a blessing AND a curse. We say no, she can now say yeah!!)
- "I Love Mama" ("I looo Mama")
- "Good Morning" ("gee mormeen")
- "No Thank You" ("no bank you")
- "Excuse Me" ("see noo mee")
- "Lili School" ("Lili suh-cool")
- "Baba's at Work" ("Baba sat wur")
- "Nap Time LATER!" ("nap tiiiiii lator")
- "Be Right Back" ("gee by baaa") Yeah, seriously, it's all in the context or we wouldn't be able to tell what she's saying either!
- "Tomorrow" ("shoo morroy")
- "E-I-E-I-O" (????)
- "Horse" ("hoss", complete with some strangled, mutilated neighing sounds!)
And my FAVORITE: - "Go-go Hit Me" (she enuniciates this perfectly, by the way!!)
- She can count from 1-12 including all the numbers
- She can make comparisons: "Go-go cold, Lili not cold."
Looking at that list, I must say I'm pretty impressed. She seems to make such terrific gains everyday.
She now says "hi" when people say hi to her (unless they get in her face). She's been playing with our neighbor girls and the girls at church. She's doing better every play group. She's spending the night with my parents. She's begging to spend the night with my parents!
I can't imagine what life was like pre-Lili anymore. I wonder if she remembers life pre-family? If she does, she seems to be pretty satisfied with the way things are now!!
Happy Liliana-versary!!!
I'm thoroughy impressed with Lili. She's amazing. That's quite a list. You go girl!!
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